Monday, September 13, 2010

Follow Me

Hey all! I’m back once again to provide you with information to make the world a better place! No, but really, yes, the verdict is in, and WildAid has been chosen. Now that my decision is final I thought I’d come here to lay a little groundwork, upon which you can use to…as the title says…follow me. I’ll be talking about a lot of things and it won’t do me any good if no one can find anything I’m talking about to at least make sure I’m telling the truth. I will also take this time to actually tell you all, more specifically, what WildAid is, things like: When, What, How, Where, and Why it is. Yes…5 W’s and an H. So let’s begin, shall we?

According to WildAid they are, and I quote, “a non-profit 501(c )3 organization headquartered in San Francisco with representation in China, India, Galapagos, London and Canada” whose mission is to “reduce consumer demand for endangered wildlife products and to encourage responsible energy consumption behavior and end illegal wildlife trade within our lifetime.” To achieve this WildAid, “uniquely focuses on raising awareness to reduce the demand for threatened and endangered species products and to increase public support for wildlife conservation by conducting global public awareness campaigns, field conservation programs and enforcement of marine protected areas.” They are also “revolutionary in their funding - their overhead is funded by donations from foundations and direct donations from individuals so that all on-line donations can go 100% into programs.” The organization was founded by Peter Knights and Steve Trent.

WildAid has a very specific purpose. It was not created to save the planet or the wildlife one animal at a time with the use of willpower and hope, but to save the wildlife by strategically cutting out one of the main reasons that have caused the populations to dwindle. If the market for animal products is choked, then hopefully fewer animals will die because they are no longer being poached. I say this to let you all know that this organization is not simply shooting in the dark. It is a sound organization with a plan to put a huge damper on a very large issue, and that is what I will make you see through this blog. You all should be thanking me, because I just saved you from looking at a whole tab on their website, which is my next topic for the evening and the purpose for this blogs title.

The WildAid website is chocked full of information. Anything you would ever need to know about the organization, its programs, founders, team members, it’s all there. The only problem is…it’s somewhat difficult to navigate, but for the sake of following my blog…I need you to know what it is so if I refer to the website all you have to do is visit and you will be instantly plugged into the world of WildAid. The website works on a kind of tab system. They have “Top Stories” on the main page of the website, but beyond that you have to go on a search for any other information. It all begins at the top of the main page, which is where you’ll find the first eight tabs which will lead you to their own individual page that feature their own nice set of tabs, this time on the left! Some of these tabs will either lead you to their own page, or just switch while the others stay the same. I’ll go through these tabs one by one, probably in my next few blogs so that I can deliver to you all what I find to be the most pertinent information that I find on the site as I decide which facet of WildAid that I will decide to focus on. Due to it being such a large sight whose cause spans almost the entire globe, it would be best for me to consider strongly supporting one cause under the umbrella that is WildAid. Till next time!

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