Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Trying to Make a difference

Let’s all help out

After my last post I decided that I should put forth a donation, because honestly the situations are bad, and WildAid seems to be the only organization coming up with ideas that are worth a second look. If I ever hear the words “tiger farm” again I fear for the person who uttered them, because that is the epitome of what you could call…a bad idea. For every person that speaks such madness, there is a person that tries to make a true difference, who doesn’t stand to benefit from his sacrifice. I would like to be that person. I want to be the person that, in his own way makes a difference no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time. I do understand that I am one person, but the fact is they need all the help they can get and one times a thousand is a huge difference, so I am in my own way making a difference by being a part of the bigger picture. You all could be a part of the difference too. I’m not asking you all to do anything drastic. I don’t want you to sell your bodies or empty your bank accounts. There are many ways to make a difference.

The simple things

I would like to challenge you all to make a difference in your own little way as I plan to do. One way to make a huge difference is by simply spreading the word. You have friends, I have friends, and I have a blog trying to reach out to more people than I normally could. This feat could be accomplished by simply making a Facebook status that alludes to WildAid; a website, a statement, anything to get more people interested. The more people whose interest we can grab the more opposition against the trade that is slowly tearing apart ecosystems worldwide. That is our goal, well my goal at least, and I would hope some of yours by now too. You can pass this information by word of mouth. Mention it to your friends, family, and peers. If everyone told five people about WildAid’s cause, their support would grow exponentially. This is especially important for followers of this blog, because I don’t know about you, but I had never seen a WildAid ad until I began to personally look into the organization.

Other ways to help

It is of course possible for you all to do as I plan to do and make donations to the organization. They have plenty of options to make it easy and affordable for almost everyone. The only stipulation is that the donation can be no less than $10. If you could skip a movie, or a little fast food every once in a while you could make a donation a month. They have options to where you can have $10 deducted straight from your paycheck into their fund, and straight into the field, making you a constant contributor to their cause. They also except aid in the form of specific skill such as creative services such as video editing and flash design; assets such as photographs or film footage to be used in WildAid PSAs; media space and equipment are also welcome and appreciated. So for those of you with creative, or technological talents there’s an opportunity for you to assist them in your own specific way. For a full list of in-kind needs you can contact

Why should you donate?

Besides the hundreds of animals dying each year that desperately need our aid to survive all donations are tax deductable to the “fullest extent of the law.” Your donations are processed and sent straight to the field. WildAid practices transparent accounting that allows you to see where all their money ends up, as it should be. They allow you to donate in memory of loved ones or events to recognize the important things in your life while you make a difference elsewhere. To find a complete list of ways you can donate please visit That link will take you straight to their donation page where you can find all the information necessary to make a contribution if you see fit as I do.

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