Alright...So now that I'm back in school it’s about time that I do some work and I have been graced with the chance to look up, compare, decide, and blog about a non-profit organization of my partial choosing. As fun as this sounded initially, it turned out to be far more interesting than expected.
I was given a choice of eight nonprofits: Stand up 2 Cancer, charity:water, WildAid, Peace One Day, amFar, Natural Resources Defense Council, ONE Campaign, and Global Green. Now I'm sure these are all nice, charitable organizations that will one day(or already has) make a huge difference on the planet we all share I have to choose one…How am I to go about choosing one out of eight nonprofits whose goals are all to make life better for humanity?!(begins to research)
I have researched most of these organizations to decide which I believe I would support in actuality given the chance. I say most because I believe that some, mainly amFar’s purpose could be achieved far more quickly if people were to simply practice respect, and healthy habits i.e. if people were to(beginning now) just practice safe sex, abstinence, and monogamy the AIDs virus would die out far, far before an actual cure has been found.
Stand Up 2 Cancer seems like it would be a great organization to support. Their mission is simple: “Stand Up To Cancer is a new initiative created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives. SU2C's goal is to bring together the best and the brightest in the cancer community, encouraging collaboration instead of competition. By galvanizing the entertainment industry, SU2C creates awareness and builds broad public support for this effort.” They want to stop cancer, just like the rest of the world, because it’s killing lots of people I get it. But I don’t believe that throwing money at research that’s already being done is going to stop the uncontrollable reproduction of cells any faster, and honestly I believe that there are enough people on the bandwagon for this nonprofit that my money would be lost into the wind.
WildAid on the other hand I as interested in from the moment I read the name, I assumed the moment I read it that it had something to do with animals and from there my interest was sparked. I believe that although many people love animals, lots of these people don’t really care about what happens to animals that are miles and miles away. We care about the animals in our gulf, because we see them but, us as humans worry far more about those things that involve us directly to worry about the effects of what we as people do simply to make money. Poachers kill animals to make a profit, but the business is perpetuated by those who choose to purchase and partake in the splendor of the deaths of species that are already endangered. Not to say that humans are selfish, but we are somewhat self – serving, and self centered, seeing as any life form, including other humans at times, that we see as beneath us we kill, ravage, and plunder anything they have that e could take for ourselves. As is the history of the US, and any other country that exist today because of one peoples taking what another people already has. This plight is even worse for animals seeing as they can’t even talk to defend themselves or sign treaties to justify that their life is worth more than their body parts.
I believe that WildAid is a worthy cause to save creatures that cannot protect themselves against the slaughter brought about by us more “advanced” beings. They have a solid following with some sponsors of the celebrity variety but are not really as know as other non profits such as Stand Up 2 Cancer. I believe that the endangered animals of the world including tigers, rhinos, and elephants, those of which are all hunted for their pelts and tusks, deserve a chance too. While some may choose to support causes that are sucking up money to reverse the crimes of humanity against ourselves, instead of the crimes of humanity against the innocent, I do not. I would go out of my way to support this nonprofit if I were to have the resources at my disposal, but I’ll just do what I can at the moment and bring this great organization to the front lines of the UTK community. I want to provide as much insight as possible about the comings and goings of this organization, its events and any possible opportunities that we as college students can participate in. Although this started out as a simple English assignment, I now see it as a chance to help do some goos in the world.